Order in 5 easy steps

Step 1 - You tell us what you’re after.

Contact us by email at the addresses provided and give us a general idea as to what you are looking for. If you are representing a club or society then please provide these details when inquiring.


Step 2 - We provide a quote.

We will quote you based on this initial information. If the quotation, cloth of choice and lead times are acceptable we will offer to create a mockup of your chosen design or idea in your club colours.

Step 3 - We provide a mock-up.

Within 2-3 days hours of the initial enquiry, we provide a full front and back view of how your blazer will look. If you have your team or club badge, and you can provide this, we will also place this to create a perfect reproduction of the item you are looking to purchase.

Step 4 - Your members provide measurements.

Once we’ve confirmed the pre-order details, we will ask your members to complete the order form and measurements, so we can things just right. From this, we will make each blazer fully bespoke.

Step 5 - We manufacture and deliver.

Your order, manufactured exactly in accordance with your design, style and size criteria, will be hand-delivered to your door within 5-7 weeks.